Credit Origination


Credit Origination

Moody's Analytics structured finance credit origination solutions provide structured finance market participants with increased transparency, seamless integration, and flexibility to support the structuring of securities and the required due diligence prior to financing.

Advanced analytical models and objective credit scores can significantly improve the quality of credit decisions by facilitating an accurate assessment of borrower risk. Our solutions allow you to use either our proprietary models or our award-winning credit scoring models, built on our unparalleled experience in credit scoring. This will improve the quality of your transactions and provide a transparent view of the associated credit risks.

Moody's Analytics credit scoring and loan origination products cover all stages of making faster and more informed credit decisions through a holistic and consistent risk assessment. Our solution also enables lenders to close better deals while improving operational efficiency. Credit line decision-making is a complex process that relies on the accuracy of many interdependent elements. Profitable and efficient underwriting requires ability:

  • Define counterparty relationships and legal or credit hierarchy structures to view total exposure.
  • Conduct credit analyses with integrated, award-winning risk rating models and forecasts in a single place.
  • Make internal risk appetite limits an explicit part of business strategy development and ensure that these permeate to the front lines to influence risk/return decision-making at the point of origination.
  • Structure a multi-layered facility structure built on an entity credit hierarchy to do risk aggregation for single entity as well as an entity group.
  • View risk-mitigant allocations across entity hierarchies.
  • Track key actions and deal documents to improve traceability and transparency

A lender's work does not end with loan disbursement; in fact, that is just the start of a relationship that can grow over years or even decades. However, you must keep a watchful eye to ensure that changes in borrowers’ finances or circumstances do not put repayment in jeopardy, or that unintended exposures breach your risk appetite limits. In today's fast-changing global economy with complex interactions and unforeseen consequences, it is essential to monitor borrowers' financial conditions on a regular basis. Our solutions allow you to track finances, covenant compliance, and economic trends as often and in as much depth as you require in order to protect your capital.

The Moody's Analytics structured finance credit origination solutions include various modules to provide issuers and servicers with complete infrastructure for their structured finance programs. Some organizations choose to utilize all modules, while others select only those needed. Moody’s Analytics client service experts work with all clients to determine the solution that is best for their specific needs.